Digital Kenshin!

This post is special to me. I’ve been struggling for, well, enjoyment in my long journey to digital art. It’s been so difficult that so far, it’s not been really fun. Until now. Granted, it’s still difficult and I have much to learn. I always will. But this! I had a moment here! It somewhat worked, and I surprised myself for the first time. These paintings represent so much to me.

1) They are my first digital paintings I LIKE.  That look ok. That I am proud of.

2) They are Rurouni Kenshin related. I didn’t grow up with anime and I don’t know much about most of them, but I know enough to know Kenshin is amazing and one of my favorite characters.

3) I’m starting to like digital art and I want to learn more. Things are coming together.

Enough of my gushing, here you go. Judge for yourself. 🙂 I would love any ideas or suggestions in regards to these paintings, and really about anything related in general.


Rurouni Kenshin live action Japanese film digital photoshop painting.


These were made as a set for a commemorative stamp project for photoshop class.