My First Book Dummy is Finished!

I wrote and illustrated and completed my first book dummy, Sophie and Rinn. I loved this project. I learned a lot from it, and I plan to make more. I will be sending it out to publishers just to see what happens, and to add that the experience of this whole ordeal.

I wrote about this before here, back when I was working on the pencil renderings.

Phew. This was one of those projects that I truly did my best on the entire way, but of course learned from as I progressed, and so want to improve on next time.

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Thumbnails for the book
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Cover for the book dummy

Here is a pencil and a finished painting of one of the spreads:

Screen Shot 2016-04-23 at 5.23.36 PMScreen Shot 2016-04-23 at 5.24.36 PM

I worked hard on each spread to make each an interesting piece itself, with or without the text. It is a short story written in a picture book format, but I wanted it to be a complete narrative and visual experience that could be enjoyed by really any age of reader.

Anyway, I thought the story was sweet. I love my girl and my mer-boy. I want to make a webcomic for them eventually after I graduate. I am working on writing up more of their story- probably when they are older and with an older audience in mind.

Yes, Edwin my mouse is in the spread. Can you find him?

Sophie & Rinn Children’s book

Once in a while you sell your soul to a project. This children’s book project for my Book Publishing class may be my favorite project up to this point. As in, ever, in or out of school. I hope I write well, because creating the entirety of this story and designing the visuals made me so happy.

These are pencil comps for a book dummy that we will complete in my next class.

Meet Sophie and Rinn (the mer-boy). Edwin my mouse is hiding somewhere, as usual.



The world of Story-dom is one I will definitely explore more. I already knew that, but it was nice to have that solidified for me through this class project.